Products by Agnition

Agnition was founded on the idea of helping farmers get the most out of their soil and fertilizer inputs. Our goal is to help you do more with less. By stimulating existing microbes in the soil, our products untap the full potential of native microbes and unlock enzymes to release more nutrients for healthier plants, healthier soil and higher yields.

While fertilizer is critical for plant growth, it can miss its mark when it’s in a form that is
unavailable to plants, costing you even more money. That’s why we look at inputs differently. We
know the key to improving fertilizer efficiency is simple; unlock the full potential of existing soil microbes to release more nutrients to your soil.
Do I add more fertilizer to my soil?
Less than 0.1% of Phosphorus is in a form that can be taken up by plants. (1)
90-98% of Potassium in the soil is an unavailable form to plants. (2)
95-99% of the potentially useable Nitrogen in the soil is in a form that is not directly available to the plant. (3)
Do I add more fertilizer to my soil?
Less than 0.1% of Phosphorus is in a form that can be taken up by plants. (1)
90-98% of Potassium in the soil is an unavailable form to plants. (2)
95-99% of the potentially useable Nitrogen in the soil is in a form that is not directly available to the plant. (3)
(1) Sharma, S. B., Sayyed, R. Z., Trivedi, M. H., & Gobi, T. A. (2013,). Phosphate solubilizing microbes: Sustainable approach for managing phosphorus deficiency in agricultural soils. Retrieved from
(2) Nitrogen in Plants. Retrieved 2019
(3) Factors Affecting Potassium Availability. Retrieved 2019, from